3 definitions by Suspiciously Specific

An attack against any gacha heat account a
on Tiktok, Youtube, or any other platform and the biggest one lasts 10 days which starts on December 22nd at Dawn and ends on December 31st at Dusk
Me: Hey it's December 22nd Time to end this.
George: Yeah time for the Gacha heat Doomsday
by Suspiciously Specific December 19, 2020
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That one weird kid sitting at the back of the classroom
Look over there! Keanan is underneath the table saying he's a dolphin that is dead inside!
by Suspiciously Specific January 26, 2020
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A challenge for all genders to absolutely roast the shit out of someone, get revenge, and avenge someone
Boy 1: HEY BRO ITS Kick Ass April
by Suspiciously Specific October 8, 2020
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