2 definitions by Surprise_Its_Your_Mom_69

When someone is retarded enough to try to insult someone smarter, and fails.
ThisAsshole is a perfect example of a chernobyl baby
by Surprise_Its_Your_Mom_69 December 31, 2010
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First, have some bitch give you a dirty blow job, mouthin all over your feces-encrusted hairy rooster. Now listen to the next part carefully because it is done through precision timing, hours of practice, and a dirty one legged mexican named antonio. You yank your one eyed gorilla out of that whore's mouth right before you feel dessert is about to be served, and take a lighter to the semen shooting out of your sparkling beam, lighting the juice on fire midair. While the raining meteors clunk on the hooker's face, calmly look into that crack-head's eyes and whisper "you're a wizard, harry." Conclude this lovely session by soaking your hand in Bengay and fist the bitch's pussy, clawing at the walls of her genitalia.
After she lapped on my balls, i decided to perform Lucifer's pleasantries on her.
by Surprise_Its_Your_Mom_69 January 21, 2009
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