2 definitions by Suman Rao

Achitha stops bothering me: verb
This is a term used to describe the event in which Achitha Jacob goes to a corner, sulks and assumes a severe inferiority complex as opposed to the current obnoxious attitude wherein she believes herself to be the princess of the galaxy and thinks of herself as being gifted with an iron hide, yet sulks and is sensitive to the slightest criticism. AS well as disguised criticism. Example: right now!!!
Achithastopsbotheringme Look at her right now
by Suman Rao December 8, 2011
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Vaibhav Pittie: adjective
Vaibhav Pittie is used to describe annoying behavior of emotionlessly relating everyday stuff to arcane and vague economic or foreign policy issues in sentences riddled with words picked up from magazines which as a rule have to be published in the US/UK.
Girl to Vaibhav Pittie: God, you are so cute! We should meet up later.
Pittie: How about next month? The roaring inflationary rate of the US Dollar will make it easier for both of us 23 days later, when an WTO directive will temper the currency. We should also debate the principle of the guy paying for the date. Let's read Peter Singer and discuss this. How about H2 canteen for the date?
by Suman Rao December 8, 2011
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