1 definition by Sugarglider said what?

1. To fall on a slippery surface, in such a way as to where the individual falls flat on his back, going from perfectly vertical to perfectly horizontal, usually with the cranium bouncing at least once off the ground.

2. To be so high on hallucinagenics that one gets lost from the group, loses all of their belongings, and in severe cases abscounds altogethe.

3. To have a series of unfortunate events happen in rapid fire succession to an individual.
1. As Paul was walking through the courtyard, in a moment of lost concentration he slipped and fell hard, exclaiming, Oh, God, I just got my shit whipped.

2. Not knowing the lsd was mic'd at 200, and being told by Chris 2 is 1, when he actually meant 1 is 2, I found myself shitwhipped.

3. Seeing the flat tire on the shuttle bus, and getting in anyway, we knew we were in for a shitwhipping when 5 mins later we found ourselves stranded on the side of the road in Mexico.
by Sugarglider said what? February 5, 2017
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