4 definitions by Sucky sucky I like ten Bucky

When you take a really painful shit and it comes out green with brown spots making it look like a mix of shrek and hitler. Ex: man I took a mean shit yesterday and when I looked down I saw shritler
When you take a really painful shit and it comes out green with brown spots making it look like a mix of shrek and hitler. Ex: man I took a mean shit yesterday and when I looked down I saw shritler
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National thotiana day! A day where we give thanks to thotiana by busting down in or in front of a church
Yo dawg tomorrow is April 15, national thotiana day I’m going to dress as a nun and bust down in church it’s going to be hella lit
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A day where we acknowledge the gay babies that are in prison! The reason they were put in prison is for subbing to t series and being too pc
Yo Ronnie tomorrow is April 29th! You know what that means?! We have to go to the county prison and honor the gay babies thrown in prison! They fought a real war
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A day where we acknowledge the gay babies that are in prison! The reason they were put in prison is for subbing to t series and being too pc
Yo Ronnie tomorrow is April 29th! You know what that means?! We have to go to the county prison and honor the gay babies thrown in prison! They fought a real war
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