2 definitions by StrayWolf

-Stone Ball. ANcient cannon balls used in spain to combat the Muslim attackers. Derived form Bolanos de Calatrava under the Kingdom Of Castilla an Aragon.

-Soldier in charge of the Cannon Artillery.
- Proud Family, knowing their European origins, and spread around the word by the Spanish conquista. Known to Reside in Spain, Central America, Mexico, Phillipines and the United States.
The Bolanos' are a great Family !
by StrayWolf August 22, 2017
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Term to express a situation in wish you have to push yourself over the limit. Situation that requires courage to overcome.
I can't beat that big mothafucka.. either you beat him or he'll fuck u over, Hay que hacerle huevos!
by StrayWolf February 22, 2017
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