2 definitions by Stouts

When a Beppler, or one of his friends he has to pay to have, looses a pvp fight or an item and the Beppler has to spend real money to replace the in-game item.
Damn, that is one Furious Beppler. The guy he gives stuff to so he will be his friend just lost an item that costs about 500$ and he had to replace it.
by Stouts June 21, 2020
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A very lonely virgin gamer. Usually of Brazilian descent. Will frequently talk in world shout from multiple character accounts to himself trying to prove to others that he has friends. Spends most of the day playing video games and masturbating furiously to gay porn, hentai or bestiality. A Beppler must always keep a poop bucket nearby so he does not have to stop playing his games. Often trades game items to make friends with fellow Bepplers in attempts to one day loose their virginity.

A Bepplina would be a the female version of a Beppler.

Lives on a steady diet of rice
Person 1 : Whatever happened to that Miguel kid from school?

Person 2 : Oh he kept getting rejected by all the girls and gave up. He lives in his parents garage and turned into a Beppler.
by Stouts June 25, 2020
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