1 definition by StopBeingPlebs

People usually in their late teens or younger stages of adulthood who base their social identity around counter-culture, alternative music, the arts and social justice.

Hipsters are often seen as pretentious due to carrying with them an air of superiority while having achieved little of note personally. They like the idea of academia but contribute nothing much of value in the academic world and they like the idea of a social revolution but are generally unwilling to risk their usually comfortable lifestyles to achieve this.

Hipster identity is usually based around rejection of the mainstream and ironic use of mainstream fashions that have fallen out of style. Certain types of clothing and fashion accessories have actually come back into style as a result of popularisation by hipsters - they fail to see the irony in this.
Look at the top definition for hipsters on Urban Dictionary. How much of a pretentious ass does someone have to be to write paragraph after paragraph of such self-aggrandising nonsense?
by StopBeingPlebs September 29, 2016
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