11 definitions by Stickyyy fingers

Poe Dameron is a pilot in the beautiful Star Wars sequels. He has a flight-jacket that has been given to his..."friend" Finn (FN-2187). The truth is, he is slightly, or very, gay.

Look at stormpilot.

Oh, and btw, Finnrey ain't gonna happen ;).
Person 1: OMG! Poe Dameron is kyute! I hope he ends up with Rey!
Person 2: You kiddin' me? Poe Dameron is gay! He bit his lip at Finn!
by Stickyyy fingers May 26, 2018
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Captain of The First Order, who trains stormtroopers, like the loyal TR-8R and the traitorous FN-2187.The attempted new Boba Fett of the Star Wars sequels. She has a cold voice, a posh accent and a heart of lead. She has a stormtrooper-style armor, but made of chromium, so it is actually useful. She is also precise when shooting. She hates smelly traitors like FN-2187, who called her a chrome dome, and threw her down a garbage chute. She is assumed dead after thrown into the burning remains of the Supremacy. She also has a badass cape and a spear-thingy and a blaster.
Finn: mate, today I got owned by Captain Phasma.
Poe: Serves you right for calling her a chrome dome.
by Stickyyy fingers April 12, 2018
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When you love Darth Vader so much, you keep his burnt helmet by your bed and ask it for advice.
A good example is his nephew Ben Solo, commonly known as kylo Ren or Kyle Ron.
Stormtrooper: Yo, TK-7299, is it me, or does Kylo Ren have a bad case of Vaderphilia?
by Stickyyy fingers July 15, 2018
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Too Gay To Lay. When your friends say you like someone that is clearly into the opposite gender.
Person 1: So, I heard you like Archie...
Person 2: Are you kidding me?! He is TGTL!!
by Stickyyy fingers October 15, 2018
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