2 definitions by Stevie ;)

When you think of one thing that reminds you of another and so forth. Next thing you know, you're thinking of something so incredibly random, you forgot how you got there. Similar to surfing the web.
While brainsurfing, I forgot to call the childhood friend I planned to call, remembering what we used to do together, then ended up wondering what happened to our 5th grade time capsule, and wondering if anyone may have already dug it up.
by Stevie ;) June 6, 2021
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Esnacking is when you're hungry for a specific snack that you don't have and go online and search fot it and eventually buy it, even though it won't arrive for a week.
I was so high, I went esnacking for wasabi peas last night.
by Stevie ;) March 2, 2021
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