2 definitions by Static80

A roadie is a drink you bring disguised in some sort of bottle. Usually a soda bottle filled some sort of liquor, (e.g. Sprite/Vodka, or Diet Coke/Whiskey). Whatever your drink of choice mixed in a common drink bottle. Hence, you can take it on the road with you. Roadie
"Did you bring the roadies for the hike bro"?
"Is that a Sprite or a roadie"?
"Hurry, grab the dogs and the roadies".
by Static80 May 24, 2017
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The Bow Tie Effect or Bow Tying is when you over compliment someone. It's a form of kissing ass to others. It started at a work place when someone over complimented someone who was wearing a bow tie. The phrase caught on and is used by others when ever ass kissing occurs or over complimenting.
Stewart: "I really love those shoes! I've never seen shoes that nice in my life, seriously, those are real nice shoes"
Stewart's co-worker: :"Man, Stewart is always bow tying, he really is a kiss-ass. That's straight up the Bow Tie Effect".
by Static80 October 26, 2010
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