1 definition by SrslySarcastic

A nonexistant word used in colloquial conversation. Many mistake it for an informal word used by the uneducated. Many also believe it came from the word "legit." No one quite knows its origin, and while those who say it are often ridiculed, more ridiculed are those that think "Legit?" is a synonym for "Really?"

"Legitly" is only heard in specific regions of the world. Some think if they've lived their life without saying it, they live in a more formal society; however, these people do not know what they have been missing.

People from Watertown (also known as H20 Town to those more savvy) generally find themselves saying it. It's a variant of "silly New England slang," but in a more concentrated region. See wicked.
People make fun of us for saying "legitly"? Guess they're not from around here...
by SrslySarcastic February 5, 2009
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