3 definitions by Son of Mogh

george lucas

A once great writer/director who has since slipped into utter, utter, madness since finishing return of the jedi.
If i had directed the original star wars trilogy, i probably would have lost it too.
by Son of Mogh August 23, 2004
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james t. kirk

The very essence of all that ever has been or ever will be awesome; the man.
Dude, anybodyan suck my balls, nobody will ever be as cool as James Tiberius Kirk!
by Son of Mogh August 23, 2004
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courtney kupets

The hottest gymnast ever. Who knew that gymnasts could have been so incredibly smokin hot!
Most women wish thay were as hot as courtney kupets, and men wish they had a woman like her, i certainly do.
by Son of Mogh August 23, 2004
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