1 definition by Soccer123

The name Seika comes from Japan meaning pure beauty and summer lover. If you want to take Seika on a perfect date take her to the beach then watch movies and cuddle. She is easy to make happy and smile. Her laugh and smile spreads to others faster than a wild fire. If you're having a bad day all you have to do is talk to Seika and she can turn your day around. Many say she is beautiful beyond belief and no matter how many times you say this to her she will never believe you because she doesn't see herself the way others do. Seikas are also pretty stubborn but if you truly know her you will know your way through her stubbornness. She deep down loves everybody she meets and is willing to help no matter what. Don't let her big guard scare you, deep down she is very vulnerable. She may seem brave and confident around her friends, but if you're trying to get with her you have to make the first step. She may not seem to need or want a relationship but she definitely wants one and she makes an awesome girlfriend and amazing spouse. Anybody would be lucky to have met a Seika in their life.
Person 1-I'm having mixed emotions about Seika.. I like her but I'm not sure if she likes me back
Person 2- bro go for her, I've gotten to know her and she would be perfect. She may not act like she needs anybody or wants a relationship but she does!
Person 1- alright thanks man!
by Soccer123 January 14, 2014
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