1 definition by Sniggy prince

Adjective "Flea On (the) Dog Of Life". A person so replulsive in every aspect of life that they are comparatively nothing more than a disgusting parasite; sucking everything out of life and contributing nothing. A real low life

Verb - to fodolise something is to take no care for it, to ruin it and leave in a state of disarray. To leave it in such a way that no respectable person could tolerate it.
" that guy is such a Fodol! He has no job, scabs off his parents, and never showers!"

Verb "you've fodolised your bedroom!! What a mess!!" Or "your room is such a mess!! You need to de-fodolise it!"


" mum ! Dad's gonna kill me ! I ended up reversing into a pole and fodolised my car!
by Sniggy prince February 16, 2017
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