4 definitions by Snarcitz

The practice of a historically empowered group telling a historically disempowered group, often in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing, what they should worry about, what they should do or even what they should be called because the empowered group think they care and know better instead of asking the disempowered group what they actually want to worry about, do or even be called.
“I live in a high crime area and people in the safe suburbs keep themansplaining to me how I should defund the police that, while not perfect, protect me.”
by Snarcitz November 6, 2021
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The movement that favors the ending of technology slavery imposed by Apple. This can include the ability to download any software that isn't approved by the Apple masters without having to first "jailbreak".
After forcefully losing my YouTube and Google Maps apps and having to buy adapters for all of my older peripherals with iOS 6 and iPhone 5 I decided to join the Applelitionism movement.
by Snarcitz September 22, 2012
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A person who favors the ending of technology slavery imposed by Apple. This can include the ability to download any software that isn't approved by the Apple masters without having to first "jailbreak".
After forcefully losing my YouTube and Google Maps apps and having to buy adapters for all of my older peripherals with iOS 6 and iPhone 5 I became an Applelitionist.
by Snarcitz September 22, 2012
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To do something that only serves your selfish needs and does not do anything with regards for anyone else nor does it advance your group forward. Not to mention your self-indulgent actions just leave a hot and sticky mess.
The majority of Arab leaders only seem to be able to hamasturbate. They pleasure themselves at the expense of their people and their people's future.
by Snarcitz November 19, 2012
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