4 definitions by SnacksCCM

n. - A military guardhouse, bunker (normally above ground or dug into a fixed position with 360-degree or nearly 360-degree visibility) or other structure from which observation can take place and, under most circumstances, weapons can be fired as a means of defense or security.

*Loosely (possibly incorrectly, this is opinion-based) associated with the term "pillbox" due to its similarity with typical pill boxes, which are used for storing medication, are often translucent (for visibility), and can be opened at will.
Get down! They've got a God damn pillbox up there!
by SnacksCCM August 21, 2014
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v. - An urgent, uncomfortable, sometimes painful, "hot" shit. This is usually the result of overindulgence or from eating spicy foods like Mexican, Thai, or Indian cuisine - or spicy buffalo wings. Tons and tons of toxic, spicy buffalo wings.

v. - To hurl a Molotov cocktail at another person, place, or thing.

v. - Slang, to throw something with force, usually in anger.
Larry: "Jesus Christ man, you were gone for 40 minutes!"
Ned: "Sorry, I had to firebomb a wicked lunker in the bathroom. It was awful."

News Reporter: According to residents, the Quick Stop Convenience store was firebombed at approximately 9:15pm.

Ned: "What happened?"
Larry: "You tell me man. I was up on the lift and that fucking old lady up on the 4th floor started firebombing hot clam chowder down on us like we weren't supposed to be there."
by SnacksCCM November 7, 2013
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v. - To intentionally collect shit (feces, including dingleberries, butt sweat, etc.) onto one's finger (commonly the middle finger, being the longest) and, upon exiting the bathroom or other relief area, then seek out a particularly intolerant, insufferable, jerky, arrogant, drunk, or otherwise undesirable person (see also: shithead) and proceed to approach them from behind (or sneak up on them), grab them by the face, and stick the shit-greased finger past their lips and into their gums (but not beyond, so as not to get bitten).

This act is one of extreme boldness, bravery & conviction, and should be reserved only for the worst offenders and/or situations where one can escape quickly and with ease.

"Once you figure out what it is, then you realize someone did it on purpose."
Ned: Jesus, that guy is an asshole.

Larry: He might just be drunk.
Ned: No, he's still a tremendous asshole, he's been like that the whole concert. You should've heard him when we came in, too.

Larry: Is it bothering you that much? Then fuck it, give him a shitfinger, right in the gums. I've got your back.
Ned: Yeah. Man, I never do that, but that fucking guy deserves it. Hold my beer, I'm going to hit the port-a-potty and will be right back.
by SnacksCCM September 27, 2018
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n. - The scenario where one, with no other options, enters a public restroom having to take an urgent shit, but discovers that one or more stalls is/are quietly occupied by other people with the same idea.

In an effort to be polite or keep from embarrassing themselves, no one in the restroom wants to be the first to squeeze out a loud, booming fart or firebomb a lunker into the water below for everyone to hear, so what ensues is a shit standoff.
Ned: "Dude, where were you?"

Larry: "I was in the bathroom. I would've been back 10 minutes ago but there was a wicked shit standoff in there."
by SnacksCCM October 30, 2013
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