4 definitions by Smile 😐

You grab a peace of paper and fold it by the corner and use it as a shank to give a paper cut to someone’s eyes, nose, gums, tip of a dick, etc. GUARANTEED BLEED 🩸. Any paper is welcome, graph paper, construction paper, and holy shit, sand paper.

Another form of paper treatment is where you grab someone’s skull and crush it so hard, that it crumbles like paper. This one is the most popular.
Billy Loomis: I tied up that fucker to a chair
Sammy Samster: I am going to give him the paper treatment!
*SammySamster proceeds to fucking cut Nash with paper*
by Smile 😐 October 3, 2023
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The term, “Brit raking” is a term that you call someone in a game as an insult. Typically means to call someone a fatass lowlife who doesn’t brush his teeth that has to go outside, “Brit raking” people often have someone they dickride. “Brit raking” also means to tell someone to hop off the game, This term is used a lot in game to provoke someone.
Player 1: bro you’re actually so bad, why tf are you teaming on me?
*player 1 cries*
by Smile 😐 October 14, 2023
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The coconut treatment is where you brutally beat a skull until it fractures 3 times, which resembles the three holes in a coconut. You then proceed to break open the skull as if it was a coconut.
Sammy Samster: see that guy of a darker complexion over there?
Stu Macher: yeah let’s give that fucker the coconut treatment!

*Stu Macher and Sammy Samster proceeds to give the man the coconut treatment*
by Smile 😐 October 3, 2023
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The act of 2 people grabbing someone, one person grabs the hair of a body while the other person grabs the leg of the body. The two begin to run as fast as they can. Another way of doing it is tying the scalp of the body to a car while the body’s leg is tied to another car and the two cars drive as fast as they can.
Ezra Miller: I got a bone to pick with you!
Dickman: 😱
*Ezra Miller and his companion proceeds to do the Mr.Fantastic treatment on dickman*
by Smile 😐 October 4, 2023
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