3 definitions by Smart Yellow Monke

You say Axceloggers when something is SO POGGERS, like EXTREMLY poggers. When you see something that is to poggers to say just poggers, you say Axceloggers.

This phrase comes from a stream from a twitch streamer @MrAxcelSins, the phrase was made by @SimonTheYellowMan on twitch.
"Bro that was really poggers!"
-"No bro, that wasn't poggers, that is AXCELOGGERS!"
by Smart Yellow Monke April 16, 2021
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"Yield" (Angelic Yield) is the opposite of the Lick (Devious Lick).
This guy left 20 dollars at the public restroom.

-Wow, that is a Angelic Yield!
by Smart Yellow Monke September 18, 2021
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When you find a interesting fact about internet, meme culture or anything like that.
Hey i just found out that the first browser game was invented in 1997 and it was called Club a Seal!
-Wow that is really internesting!
by Smart Yellow Monke August 9, 2021
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