2 definitions by Small head :)

An italien slag term that is used to offend the tallest person in the room. Being a Llamsava means that you cannot see out of either one of your eyes and you have a tendency to fascinate over large green ogres. A Llamsava is crap at photoshop but thinks they're really good. Llamsavas surrounded themselves with people with small heads and write long essays defending their politically incorrect opinions about long hair.
Person 1: "Hi how are you today?"
Person 2: "HA!!! You're a Llamsava!
by Small head :) November 23, 2020
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This is the most terrible, most horrible, and most offensive word you can say. It is worse than fuck, bitch, bitch ass, fucking, shit, crap, shitface, cow, and fucker. Do not EVER say smmaso to ANYONE even if you think they deserve it because saying this summons the devil and he will take you to hell.
Friend 1: You’re such a Smmaso!
Friend 2: Here comes Satan
by Small head :) October 24, 2020
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