2 definitions by Slippy Steve

To sneak up behind a well-endowed chick, grab her arms, pull them behind her back tightly, and push her through a crowd of people. So as to plow through people with titties, or two V's.
I was late for my final exam so I saw Janine and Vee Plowed my way through the busy hallways to class.
by Slippy Steve February 15, 2005
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A sawed-off shotgun, retrofitted with a handle at the stock. Note: the gun must be a 12 gage pump to be an official pistol grip pump. Originated in Detroit on the south side alleys.
Riding in J's 64 Impala, I held the pistol grip pump on my lap at all times, waiting for suckas to play with my shit.
by Slippy Steve February 15, 2005
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