20 definitions by Skylar

Term used in the earlier days meaning prostitute. They use the term "corner hop" because in some places you are able to see the prostitutes standing at a street corner and when you stop your car infront of them, they hop in.
"You can find a good corner hop in the back streets of Las Vegas."
by Skylar March 23, 2005
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1. while freestylin with your homies and you boi falls off you continue from where he left off..thus back door

2. when you or sombody go right behind sombody else back and holla at there girl
maan dat negro just back doored me on the slide
by Skylar April 25, 2004
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Unusual or bizarre sexual acts, sometimes involving animals.
Erotic is using a feather, kinky is using the whole chicken
by Skylar October 26, 2003
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1. My second favorite drug, next to meth
2. A popular soft drink
1. That is one FAT line!
2. Can i have a sip of your coke?
by Skylar October 26, 2003
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