6 definitions by Skinny dick

A grunt like sound created by the inability to accomplish a task.
I tried as hard as I could to open the door, I even through in Ahubaduh but the damn thing would not budge.
by Skinny dick October 6, 2017
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A grunt like sound created by the inability to accomplish a task.
I tried as hard as I could to open the door, I even through in ahubaduh but the damn thing would not budge.
by Skinny dick October 6, 2017
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When a womans vagina has meat curtains that hang down, and yet she has rings pierced on the elongated labia.
Damn! That bitch has curtain rings!
by Skinny dick October 6, 2017
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I hit her twice with my Flesh needle and she still didnt feel it!
by Skinny dick October 6, 2017
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