31 definitions by Skeeter McDougal

As otherwise noted, Brazilian can refer to either a person from the country of Brazil or a type of female hair-removal waxing. However, Brazilian can also be used as an exaggerated and made up figure.

When something costs a lot of money or there's a lot of something, instead of using a random large number like a million or a billion or a zillion, so as to exaggerate the cost or amount of the item(s), one can say Brazilian to garner a chuckle or 2.
Sabine: Hey Mike, did you see that brand new BMW that just drove by? Why don't you get that car and scrap that piece of shit hooptie you drive?
Mike: Are you fucking kidding? I cant afford a BMW, they cost like a Brazilian dollars!
Sabine: Calm your broke ass down.
by Skeeter McDougal October 6, 2005
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A Conversational Puma is a loud and opportunistic member of a conversation. The "puma" part comes from the person's tendency to "pounce" on you when you are trying to tell a story with loud interjections like "NO WAY" or "I KNOW". Though its debateable whether the conversational puma is truely interested in what you are saying or if he/she is just patronizing you, the story usually ends up being truncated for no other reason than to avoid being loudly interrupted.

This word was recently pioneered on the radio program Loveline by Adam Carolla.
Jesus christ, I hate that Suzy. I can't finish a single sentence with her without her pouncing on me with 'OMG' or something like that. She's such a conversational puma.
by Skeeter McDougal October 4, 2005
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The phrase 'meal of the beast' can be used to describe any meal (usually fast food) that comes to a total of $6.66. The meal described with the phrase can vary from place to place.
The Ultimate Meal of the Beast:
Carl's JR. Double Bacon Western Cheeseburger (medium). This meal always comes to a total of $6.66 and is arguably the most satisfying and delicious fast food meal ever devised by mankind.
by Skeeter McDougal October 2, 2005
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