10 definitions by Skanago:g

A Native American tribe located in the western United States.
I am a member of the Chikahwaka tribe.
by Skanago:g December 29, 2015
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A term used by people of high political status, such as a mayor, a chief, a selectman, a representative, a president, what have you. This term is commonly used to be synonymous with "I have to poop", but this version is used to make conversation less awkward.
Barack Obama leaned over to Vladimir Putin during an interview and said "Pardon me, I have to uuuuh...well, let's just say I should be passing legislation."
by Skanago:g December 29, 2015
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An ancient Roman method of sex involving hot candle wax as an alternative for lubrication for anal sex.
The paintings show that the Romans were definitely a very scandalous people, even going as far as to endorse "Ordene" styled anal sex.
by Skanago:g January 8, 2015
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