3 definitions by SixBowls

The meatballs provided by most school cafeterias or any other eatery that is usually cheap, dirty, and/or served by filthy individuals. Slamballs typically are made up of one key ingredient, grade Z ground beef and are somehow satisfyingly tasty even though the consequences of the slamball are usually not worth it. Should usually be passed on but often is not.
Sally: "Let's go make out after 6th period lunch!?!?"

Me: "Normally I would babe, but they are serving slamball hoagies today. I know once I'm done eating I'll need to drop a hammer in the bathroom. Can I get a raincheck on that?"
by SixBowls August 20, 2010
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The only trou on campus worth starting a relationship with. Just don't let her get you in a scissor leg lock or you might not walk out of it.
I would take that trophy trou home to my mother! Welllll....yeah what the heck.
by SixBowls January 20, 2012
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The best dang lookin' trou at West Point you've ever seen.
I can't believe my eyes! I think I'd actually take that troutastic out for a nice dinner and maybe for some PT afterwards. I can't believe I'm thinking this...
by SixBowls January 20, 2012
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