1 definition by Sir Jack of the Green Bay

A man who needs no words but since this is a website dedicated to definitions we'll indulge those who read this. Firas: The culmination of several different intellectual strains that produced a genius that few can rival. While also being a combo of several different intellectual traditions this term also incorporates the traits of several different world cultures. Should there ever be a global cataclysm this man will be the one for whom all our hopes will be dependent upon. The true heart and soul of this individual is the undying spirit dedicated to all things just and moral. However, should the world ever turn its back upon this Cadillac of a man, we shall be in a danger to grandiose for words. It is within his power to destroy or save, the choice, is truly, up to the world.
The continuing world crisis would require a Firas like personality in order to reach a solution.
by Sir Jack of the Green Bay February 3, 2013
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