2 definitions by Sir William de Gradstoke

A deathie is an individual that has achived a high unsurpassed level of retardation,
which also includes a severe speech impediment when it comes to the english language.
You can easily recognize this type of individual by his boasting of material possessions,
and the profound ability to annoy people around him.
the deathie: looaaaaal
the deathie: I drinking wodka.... yea....
the deathie: f***l, f***l, f***l, f***l, I ownz you
you: err.. ok
the deathie: yeah, I am daddy
by Sir William de Gradstoke January 7, 2006
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An individual that has achived a high unsurpassed level of retardation, which also includes a severe speech impediment when it comes to the english language.
You can easily recognize this type of individual by his boasting of material possessions, and the profound ability to annoy people around him.
deathie: looaaaaal
deathie: I drinking wodka.... yea....
deathie: f***l, f***l, f***l, f***l, I ownz you
you: err.. ok
deathie: yeah, I am daddy
by Sir William de Gradstoke January 4, 2006
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