10 definitions by Simon Young

Derogatory term for Skegness, the eastern England's version of a gambling/party town
Skegness is a town within Lincolnshire, whereas the term 'Skeg Vegas' originates from Yorkshire - a race of people known for noting shittiness in people and places
Person A: Do you fancy going to Las Vegas on holiday?
Person B: Nah, I want to go somewhere that is shit and full of cheap women.
Person: Skeg Vegas it is then...
by Simon Young March 22, 2008
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When having sex in a bed, one or both of the couple take a shit. The couple carry on sex smearing the faeces around the bedsheets and each other.
Jack: Get some action with Sally last night?
Dave: Yeah, I couldn't wait for a shit though, so we ended up Donkey Rolling...
Jack: Erm... cool...
by Simon Young March 22, 2008
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1) The large sexual organ a male donkey has

2) A colloquial term for a gentleman's large phallus

3) A variation upon the British game 'Bogies' wherein members of the class/group have to shout 'Big Floppy Donkey Dick' as loudly as possible without either being caught doing so or getting embarresed in the process. The winner is the person who shouts it the loudest.
Jack: (loudly) BIG FLOPPY DONKEY DICK!!!
Teacher: Get out Jack!!
Dave: Ha ha ha...
by Simon Young March 25, 2008
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