1 definition by Shooooop

To simply define Brenda would be to explain that Brenda is the sister of Karen. The same archetype sticks; Brenda also plays the role of the middle aged white woman. But unlike Karen, Brenda’s charm is seeped in delusion and a dogmatic belief system. Also unlike Karen, Brenda doesn’t need to be personally provoked. She is naturally angry and combative with everyone. A product of not being able to see the truth. Brenda likes to pop up on posts on the internet along with interrupt conversations that she is not apart of to interject her opinion via criticism.

She’s the Christian woman who preaches all day about Jesus without following the good book herself. She’s convinced the commies are entirely to blame, everything is a conspiracy, she believes too much of what shes told regardless of how erroneous the claims may be and that lead poisoning made America dumb.

Above all of the qualities that Brenda possesses her holier than thou attitude, incorrect world-view, inability to gain consciousness are what give her top shelf quality ignorance.
Brenda was out at the grocery store, preaching to anyone who would listen about the dangers of communism. She was convinced that the avocados were being poisoned by the commies in an attempt to destroy America from within. When a passerby pointed out that avocados don't grow in cold climates and therefore couldn't be poisoned by anyone, Brenda just shrugged and said, "Well, the commies are smart. They probably found a way to make it happen.

Brenda, upon seeing a rainbow: "Oh no, the government is using weather modification to brainwash us!

Brenda, upon hearing that global warming is a real and serious issue: "That's just a conspiracy theory. The Earth has always had natural warming and cooling cycles.

Brenda was having a dinner party and spent all day preparing for it. She was convinced that the government was trying to poison her through the water supply, so she spent hours boiling and filtering the water before using it to cook. Unfortunately, she forgot to filter the wine and served her guests a bottle of poison. When they all started feeling sick, Brenda just shrugged and said, "Well, at least it wasn't the water. The government can't poison us through the wine."

Brenda, upon being told that evolution is a scientifically accepted theory: "I believe in creationism. Evolution is just a lie that the government wants us to believe."
by Shooooop January 6, 2023
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