4 definitions by Sherlock of the Creek

1. Small, portable computer that can be easily placed on your lap and give serious pain after many hours.
2. The leg and groin area of a male or female. Usually when the male's laptop is occupied by a female (or in nasty incidences, a male),...things can *come "up".

*Note: other ways of spelling "come" may be substituted.
1. I used my laptop while on the plane.
2. Come on baby, sit on my laptop and we'll see what comes up.
by Sherlock of the Creek July 12, 2003
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1. to enjoy oneself
a. by influence of others
b. by self-stimulation
2. word used often in Bruce Almighty
a. She filled me with pleasure.
b. My "one-armed-workout gave me extreme pleasure
2. Pleasurable, pleasurable, pleasurable, pleasurable, pleasurable, pleasurable, pleasurable, pleasurable, pleasurable, pleasurable.
by Sherlock of the Creek July 12, 2003
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To halt or end (temporarily or permanently).
Stop your car!!!
Stop hitting your brother or else I will stop the car.
Stop hitting your brother or else I will kill you.
by Sherlock of the Creek August 19, 2003
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