5 definitions by She’ll know when she sees.

The first batch of children from one couple (I.e. they had 2 children one year a part than took a break and had another 2...). also known as practice batch, these children normally have a lot of issues. And to some are treated like second class.
Second batch son: mom, why are the older kids so different? Mom: oh, their just first batch’s.
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That older sibling (normally sister) who you question their sanity on a daily bases. Wondering why they are so shallow and insecure. Also they have a weight problem due to depress eating.
You’re right I was acting like a Fruma. Sorry.
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That older sibling (normally sister) who you question their sanity on a daily bases. Wondering why they are so shallow and insecure. Also they have a weight problem due to depress eating.
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That older sibling (normally sister) who you question their sanity on a daily bases. Wondering why they are so shallow and insecure. Also they have a weight problem due to depress eating.
Why are you being such a fruma?
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A term used to describe a juul or vape. Also a to describe a group of Friends that wasn’t made by them self, but put together from others deciding that they are friends. Some groups will have people from all over the world (Ukraine, Canada and different states in the US). Also words like chroop can be used.
Bayrez: Hey mongoles, Can u pass the chroopie?
mongoles: Give me a second Bayrez. you want the big chroopie or the small one?
Bayrez: the chroopie chroopie!
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