1 definition by She wont believe me

A person with an amazing personality, dashing good looks and beautiful eyes. This person can brighten your day and make a room fill with glee and happiness, they are selfless and have no greater goal but to see you smile. They can only be described in one word amazing, they do struggle with anxiety and have deep emotional barriers that are embedded in them, witch makes it hard for them to except appoval/love from others. They are loving and supportive if you can squeeze into there heart. They only want for you to show true affection and love to them. They are in it for the long run and will never give up. They are truly astonishing and can be found in dark rooms in a commfy blanket watch hulu and eating windys chicken nuggets.
I will always love zetti for who she is and her amazing everything.
by She wont believe me August 28, 2020
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