2 definitions by Shazamhammer1


A slandering word used by psychiatrist who practiced eugenics and believed the disabled where schiz diseased root of the organism state tree of life. Paronoid and frantic because they where being sent to the treatment chamber’s
The parionoidschizofrantic was paranoid and frantic becouse he coul smell gas on the way to the treatment chambers
by Shazamhammer1 February 24, 2021
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Paranoid schizophrenic

A slanderous term used by psychiatrist who where practicing eugenics and considered the disabled the schiz diseased root of the organism state tree of life whom were paronoid and frantic

While being exterminated by treatment
Paranoid schizophrenic is defined as a disabled person who is paranoid and frantic because they smell gas on the ramps to the treatment chamber
by Shazamhammer1 February 23, 2021
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