1 definition by ShaqWo

A person who smokes weed everyday, most likely has a vape mod and is down to try other drugs when given the chance (Molly/Ecstasy, Xanax, Percs, Alcohol, etc...) and not be addicted. They like to have fun, are chill, usually funny both sober and high, sometimes dress nice and overall can be very easygoing.

They are different from junkies and drug addicts in that they don’t do drugs like
meth and heroin.
They aren't scared to break the rules and believe it or not, they have morals too. You can find them at any high school or college.
Most druggies can have fun without drugs but prefer them because it makes everything funner and enhances everything like listening to music, watching a funny movie or just roasting your friends while smoking a fat blunt.

They typically listen to rap music, have that certain tired look everyday, post snaps of them flexing their drugs on their story usually weed and are your number 1 guide to ask where you can get a certain drug. They also have a really fluctuating bank account.
Person 1: Hey, do you know anyone that can get me Molly?
Person 2: You should ask that druggie over there, he has contacts to all kinds of stuff .
by ShaqWo March 18, 2018
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