2 definitions by Shakezoola

An article of clothing, very comfortable and practical. Also used by fat girls and fat guys to hide all that fucking fat, seriously. Almost every fat person I've meet that tries to act "sexy" wears a hoody to make themselves look more appealing. Maybe it's just me.

A nice pouch at the front that can be used to hide/keep several things, legal or not. Unlike sweaters and just about any other form of clothing for the winter, hoodies take less than 5 seconds to put on (same goes for women HOLY SHIT).

Many believe that your a poser/criminal if you wear one. Mind you, these are the same type of people who view everything stereotypically. Hoodie? Obviously you must be a poser gangsta wanna be or a criminal. You like how it looks? NO FUCKING WAY, theres no such thing as liking an article of clothing. It MUST be because your a poser.

(they label everything I tells yeah)

that's not to say it isn't actually worn by SOME posers.

"Not black? So all black people act a certain way? Please continue with your non stereotypical views"


by Shakezoola October 16, 2006
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The twelfth installment of Squares ever popular Final Fantasy series. In short, two kingdoms are waging war against one another, and the kingdom of Dalmasca is caught in the middle. One of the kingdoms (Arcadia) invades the kingdom of Dalmasca and the princess, Ashe (who was made to look more caucasian in the english game), joins a resistance movement. She'll meet many many different characters who'll join you and you gotta take down Arcadia.

The games so far been critically acclaimed in several foreign (read:Japanese) publications. From what I've heard (wikipedia), it's been leaked onto the net (as I'm writing this, there's still 2 weeks 'till the games release).
Vaan looks like a douche, but at least it's a departure from all the pretty boy shit in every RPG. People hate him, and that I like.

Oh, and theres bunnies+girls with big fucking asses so you can bet the hentai will be decent.

Final Fantasy 12 cause I gotta say it at least once.
by Shakezoola October 16, 2006
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