5 definitions by Scum i am

to shave your balls but leave hair on the topside.
why would you only shave your balls and not everything? dont you realize it looks like a crotch mullett.
by Scum i am August 1, 2008
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To go against the grain, the act of wiping from your ass to your vagina.
I was so drunk last nite I pulled a randal and now my pussy smells like shit.
by Scum i am June 10, 2008
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shit leaving your ass with great force.
After a night of top ramen, whiskey,pbr and 16th st. coke I suffered a rectal sunami.when your on the toilet and it shoots out and coats the whole bowl to the rim. your clinching your cheeks tight while trying to get to the john and it blows right through. you think your just going to fart but it blast all over your pant, ass and legs.
by Scum i am September 18, 2007
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To bury your penis to the base and or bottom out in her vagina.
Last night I was shelunking my girl so good that all she could say was "to deep, to deep".
by Scum i am February 19, 2009
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