1 definition by Savvy Star

Aiphnidiophobia is the fear of suddenness, or things happening suddenly. The fear is mainly triggered in situations where an unknown force is present to shock the sufferer. Jumpscares, hearing unexpected sounds, and even feeling the touch of a being or object that your mind presumes to be a threat are examples of things that can trigger Aiphnidiophobia . Situations where this is constantly the case may cause the fear to become irrational. This makes the sufferer think anything could happen at any given moment. As a result, they become more anxious to their surroundings, and are often troubled with seemingly normal tasks throughout the day/night.

The word, Aiphnidiophobia comes from the greek word "Aiphnidios" meaning sudden, and "phobia" meaning fear.
Person 1: I've been so easily startled lately! I'm not sleepy, DEFINITELY not high.
Person 2: You think you might have Aiphnidiophobia?

Person 1: What on earth is that?
Person 2: Just a liiiii~ttle thing that makes you more sensitive to unexpected touches, sounds, n' stuff.
Person 1: Uhhhh, what?
Person 2: Just saying. It happens to the best of us, y'know?
by Savvy Star September 16, 2020
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