1 definition by Saudera

A Southerner is someone born south of the Mason Dixon line and North of I-10 in Florida. Most of Florida is no longer part of the south as was long ago infiltrated by non-southerners called Snow Birds, as well as Yankees looking to make a buck and immigrants from Spanish speaking countries.

Southerners will always offer food and drink to visitors and invite you to every backyard bar b que, fish fry, or bon fire. If you visit, you will always be offered Beer, Sweet Tea or a Coca Cola. True southerners only drink Coke, never Pepsi. Pepsi is sacrilegious in the south. To turn down an offering of food or drink in the south is considered an insult.

Southerners are very polite and friendly until you take some action or make some comment that you perceive will go over their head as a subtle insult. . The point being, don't underestimate the intelligence of a southerner, you risk having your ass cussed out in front of the whole world.
A true Southerner never drinks Pepsi, only Coke.
by Saudera April 2, 2016
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