2 definitions by Satoshii Nakamoto

The act of doing your own research.

This is especially useful trait for a new stock market or crypto investor.
Used in an internet forum scenario, as a gentle reminder for readers to do their own research on a subject, rather than take everything they read at face value: "Dyoring is what separates the sheep from the wolves."
by Satoshii Nakamoto October 22, 2022
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The act of doing your own research.

This is especially useful trait for a new stock market or crypto investor.

verb- DYORing; better start dyoring.
Used in an internet forum scenario, as a gentle reminder for readers to do their own research on a subject, rather than take everything they read at face value: "Dyoring is what separates the sheep from the wolves."
by Satoshii Nakamoto October 22, 2022
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