3 definitions by Satanical Suave

The art of circling an object three or more times in red sharpie.
Miranda was irritated at her boyfriend for constantly forgetting dates of importance in regards to their relationship, so she bought him a calendar and supercircled the dates of their weekly, monthly and annual anniversaries in a fit of feministic rage.
by Satanical Suave April 12, 2011
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A phrase commonly substituted for obscenities in an environment unsafe for foul language. It can be used in any context typical of swear words, but is most commonly articulated in the form of an exasperated exclamation of severe irritation, frustration, or unbridled rage.

An increasingly popular mannerism in the northern central United States.
Situation 1: General McChrystal, our forces in Afghanistan have been annihilated.

McChrystal: FUCK!

Situation 2: General McChrystal, our forces in Afghanistan have been annihilated.

McChrystal: BOB SAGET!
by Satanical Suave April 12, 2011
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A variation of first-person shooter troll which abides by two or more the following behaviors:

1. Constantly jumps up and down, even while in combat or while capturing an objective. In Halo: Reach, this is accomplished using a jetpack.

2. Screams anti-communist sentiments and mutilated scraps of William Wallace's speech from Braveheart into his or her microphone at each juncture at which he or she interacts with online players in-game. Favored catchlines: "For Free-dome!" "They may never take... OUR FREEDOM!" "Gah! Your blood's the color of COMMUNISM!"

3. Is unquestionably the lest productive member of his or her respective team.
God Dammit! Why does this asshole keep jumping up and down? It's making it so frickin' hard to get a headshot. Damn Freedom Frog!
by Satanical Suave April 12, 2011
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