2 definitions by SarahProkochuk

Some guys like this idea, others don't. Girls will love it. Get your girlfriend totally undressed and laying on a bed in a dark room. Get 3 of your guy friends to come over. GUY! Not girl! Get your girlfriend to start off by giving you a blowjob, you sitting up and her laying on her back. Then get your friend #1 to massage her boobs, so she feels relaxed. Get friend #2 to put babyoil all over her stomach and friend #3 to get a dildo and constantly have it going in and out of her pussy. She will go wild, most likely she will cry. Remember, this is crying out of good feelings. SHE LOVES IT. Have people you trust doing this with her and don't get her to give anyone a blowjob but you. Let your friends touch her to show off how amazing she is. Have you, friend #1, friend #2, and friend #3 all doing this at the same time.
I was wiht my girlfriend and got three friends over. There was some hot stuff going on.
by SarahProkochuk March 15, 2008
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Get a dildo!!!!!!! The girl will absolutly love it. That way, you can kiss her and fuck her at the same time with no risks.
My boyfriend and me had a safe fuck because he had a dildo.
by SarahProkochuk March 15, 2008
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