2 definitions by Sammy H

An ageing late twenties male from Wymering near Portsmouth with a hair style dating back to the 60's. He is a balding individual whose temper has a tendency to effect his ability to think before he speaks. Suffers from strange bouts of depression perhaps due to his loss of hair or for crashing his car and results in him lashing out on buildings, pouring drink over his mates and admitting his love to people. This disease has become infectious and has now passed on to others causing those effected to arrange trips to the zoo rather than go out clubbing for example. This individual is a keen musician opting for the classical style from ideas gathered listening to his favourite station, Angel F.M. Curiosity surrounds his need to work for Sainsburys when he could actually work in the shop he lives above, but Tall Paul is a unique character who is very hard to understand. Also suffers from partial blindness due to constant action off his right hand.
"No it ain't facking tough luck!"
"You facking twat, turn the facking light off!!"
"Its like a football injury, you don't rush back into training."
by Sammy H January 19, 2004
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Having a large bulb-is head one that is equivalent of the planet Jupiter extremly large misshaped head
Hey move that Mcgowen I can't see the tv

How do you find a hat to fit that Mcgowen

Did you see the size of that girls Mcgowen
by Sammy H December 9, 2013
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