1 definition by Samaurai Jack

N. A pre-op-transexual Greek midget that is conflicted over his love for goats and other barnyard animals. Also one who suffers from career delusions; and is most clearly suited to the fine art of male nursing. Or hair waxing.

V. To masturbate excessively using both hands... and power tools, often in the presence of goats or other barnyard animals in their native environment.

Adj. Excessively neat and tidy, to the point of utter insanity. Also, the colour Mauve.
N. Dude, look out, I see an Orthodoxou incoming. Watch your backside!

V. Dude, what the hell is wrong with you, don't Orthodoxou out on me!

Adj. This is the most totally Orthodoxou pad I've ever seen! It's actually a bit disturbing. Hey, what the heck is that goat doing here???
by Samaurai Jack October 11, 2004
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