2 definitions by Sam’s Uncle George


1. Old English and West Germanic derivation of Wasp a winged insect with a narrow waist and a stinger.

2. A family with a knack for athletics, especially shooting a basketball.

Wasp can be erroneously used as an acronym of Identity politics stemming from Social Leftists “White Anglo Saxon Protestant.”

Also can be easily confused with the name of Italian scooter manufacturer “Vespa”.

Many Vespie’s are American Scots-Irish immigrants with German names, most living in the Southern region of the United States. A number of Vespie’s immigrated from Western Europe to North America in the early 1880’s.
“Vespie shot that one from Crab Orchard.”

“Those Vespie’s can be a handful.”
by Sam’s Uncle George March 1, 2020
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1. Appalachian combInation of Southern salutations, “How ‘bout it?” - “How you doin?” & “How you been?”

2. Response to a hubbub or commotion from an unknown source upon discovery of the source.

3. A question posed to a non friendly as a means of putting them at ease, or to feign ignorance when advantageous.
” Hubowyadoin, neighbor?”

***Looks in the rear view mirror to see blue lights & mumbles to self*** : “Hubowyadoin”

As a salutation OR complimentary close: “Hubowyadoin, amigo.”

When you find a tick on your dog; and you address the tick with a greeting, and a salutation before dispatching it. “ Hubowyadoin, dog-tick?”
by Sam’s Uncle George March 1, 2020
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