2 definitions by SaltyTurkey

Aanijah is someone who is super hot. Her jokes are often very funny and she enjoys a good laugh. Though she’s often hurt Aanijah always has a smile on her face. Aanijah is a role model for many.
Oh my god Aanijah is so hot, I want to go talk to her.”
by SaltyTurkey January 17, 2023
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Someone who is being immature or trying to act older than they actually are; it can also be used as comeback in almost every situation possible
Example A:

*12 year old boy tries to act 14*

You pubescent turkey, get a fucking life.

Example B:

Person: Leo you fucking piece of bread.

You (Leo): You pubescent turkey don't fucking talk to me.

*curse words such as ass or fucking can be inserted between "pubescent" and "turkey"

Example C:

Person: Laura you're being a bitch.

You (Laura): You pubescent ass turkey get the fuck away from me.
by SaltyTurkey April 27, 2016
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