2 definitions by Saliena934

Someone that looks and acts so amazing, fabulous and flawless that any insult that you make against that queen will slide right past them and back to you, because who even are you when you're standing next to them
Yasssssss Olivia is such a slaying queen with her braids on point and her eyebrows fleeky
by Saliena934 June 7, 2016
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The opposite of overrule. Your point was so irrelevant that it was put on the back burner and became the bottom suggestion.
Underrule usage:

Bob: “Let’s go sunbathing in the winter”
Tim: “OVERRULED! We’re going skiing instead”
Everyone: “SKIING!”
Bob: “I guess my idea was underulled”
by Saliena934 July 28, 2020
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