2 definitions by Salamence

In a math equation, a term so unusual and confusing that it just eats (noms) the rest of the numbers and turns them into ugly, messy numbers
Joe: I thought that problem was simple, until that Polynomnomial made it all confusing!
Bob: when the teacher explained it, all I saw was a mess of greek and letters.
by Salamence July 13, 2010
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1) The opposite of Pwnage; what happens when something is Pwned
2) When a fail is so huge and so epic that the entire time period in which that fail happened must become an age of fail--a failage (pronounced fail-age)
3) The correct spelling of Failness
4) A literal fail, as in Rock Band. However, cannot be applied if the song is rated "impossibly difficult", because if it is, geek is a much better term.
1) Watch that noob getting wrecked in Halo! thats total failage!
2) Driving off a cliff in mario kart. on a course with no cliffs.
3) Even my computer tells me I spelled it wrong, but if it doesn't then it's still failage
4) Failing on Eye of the Tiger on guitar. Or drums. Or bass. Or singing.
by Salamence July 16, 2010
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