3 definitions by Sailor Moon

All of you who posted shit about me are naughty, and in the name of the Moon I will punish you.
Now where did I put my whip? Oh shit! I left it at Sailor Jupiter's place.
by Sailor Moon June 20, 2003
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US Navy term for Dead In (the) Water, denoting another vessel that is not underway. Spoken as initials (Dee-eye-dubwa). Adopted elsewhere to refer to something that's going nowhere, and possibly unable to ever do so again.
This party is so DIW. I'm outta here!
His life is DIW. He couldn't even keep that job at Wal-mart.
by Sailor Moon January 15, 2006
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The sexiest girl in universe. You can’t find a chick like Lyazzat. Her name means pleasure, sweet , beauty , cuteness!! She is the prettiest, smartest and most talented girl ever. Hottest out there . Queen of beauty. Thank u .
Omg . Who’s that beauty?
It’s Lyazzat
by Sailor Moon November 20, 2021
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