2 definitions by Saigray

Slang "Ismist," also see Rhythmismist

1. Subspecies of the NYC club life including individuals who self-identify their social, musical and venue orientation though membership to Rhythmism and association with other Ismists, as well as those whose regular participation on Rhythmism or attendance at Ismist events causes others to identify them as primarily connected to the nightlife scene through this particular web portal.

2. Anyone who begins an introduction with “My name is X on the board” or inquires as to other’s “screennames” when out at a drinking or dancing establishment.
Those Rhythmismers are such elitist snobs! Just because Hector plays at their private parties, they think they own this place.

The line for the bathroom at ismist events tends to be extremely slow.
by Saigray February 3, 2005
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Slang "Ismist," also see Rhythmismer

1. Subspecies of the NYC club life including individuals who self-identify their social, musical and venue orientation though membership to Rhythmism and association with other Ismists, as well as those whose regular participation on Rhythmism or attendance at Ismist events causes others to identify them as primarily connected to the nightlife scene through this particular web portal.

2. Anyone who begins an introduction with “My name is X on the board” or inquires as to other’s “screennames” when out at a drinking or dancing establishment.
Those Rhythmismists are such elitist snobs! Just because Hector plays at their private parties, they think they own this place.

The line for the bathroom at ismist events tends to be extremely slow.
by Saigray February 3, 2005
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